Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sometimes I think technology has become too much like an umbilical cord. It's with us wherever we go. Sometimes attached to our hips or in our pockets, but always at our fingertips. And if it does not work properly we fill like we are going to die or that some kind of injustice is being heaped upon us.

Some people at my work just upgraded their iPhone, and instead of marveling in the new features, like GPS and voice activation, they were complaining that they were not receiving their emails at the very same moment that the emails arrived in their inbox on the computer! First of all, who actual checks that! Second, if our biggest problem is not having our emails sync up correctly, then I say we got it pretty darn good.

I heard a good idea at a MonaVie event. This couple wanted to spend some quality time with their children when they visited. But ever time they did, their kids would be talking on their cell phone, texting, Twitting, or looking up box scores. So they created a basket and put it at the front door. Everytime they came to visit they had to put their phones in the basket and leave them their until they left. I love that idea :-)


Kristin said...

I had heard this guys before. It's so right on. I can't say much though, because if my computer is slow, I complain about it. I should just be grateful I'm not typing with carbon paper.

Eric and Jodi Eames said...

HA HA!! I know right?? I complain about so when I do Eric conveniently knows were to find this video to remind me just how good I have it. :)

Erin said...

Ditto times infinity!

PS) Your birthday cake is SO COOL!
PPS) You and Eric are such witty writers. I love your bloggie. Not love love, like married love, just love. You get it, right?

Kristin said...

Okay, you guys must post more often!